...is an elegant Italian Tango Shoes design created by Valentina Galvani, the stylist seduced by tango in the city of Lecce, deepened by her experiences in the tango environment of Bologna and Rimini. The freshness, simplicity and functionality of our shoes talks about her experience.
An idea born and developed many years ago in Torino, the Italian capital of Argentinian Tango, from a visceral passion.
A company that collaborates with the finest of the leather and footwear professionals in the Italian sector. It includes the best professionals, as well as the most experienced dancers.
Entonces T-Shoes, include a foam padding anti stress insole, that make them ergonomic from heel to toe and offer a guaranteed long lasting cushioning, using the best raw materials.
Gantlé - Clothes for Argentine Tango
Inspired by the beauty of the Argentine tango, its passion, elegance and fluidity of movement.
Created in Florence by Fashion Designer and long-term tango dancer Lucyna.
With her sense of beauty and experience in dance, our clothes allow freedom of movement, while emphasizing the grace and fluidity of each step.
Made from the highest quality Italian materials, ensuring durability, comfort and breathability of each of the outfits.
Finished with great attention to detail, accented by Swarovski jewellery.
RossaSpina tango clothes offers delicious outfits, comfortable to dance with and able to emphasize the femininity of each woman.
This line of Tango clothes was born in 2010 with the purpose to complete a Tango Shoes line, which is already strongly present in the Tango Community, the Tangolera (former Bandolera) brand.
This aim has led Rossa Spina to realize a young, colorful and lightly Tango Clothes line, easily matching the colors of the assorted shoes.
Feeling good in a dress is a wonderful feeling that you have to experience...
If you do not have a RossaSpina dress yet, just try it!
You will love it forever.
Tangolera/Bandolera Italian Tango Shoes Collection of Salsa Shoes
Tangonaut - Tango Shoes and Tango Apparel, Various Tango Accessories
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